Still undecided on where to take your Valentine? One Logan Square spot has been satisfying Chicago’s sweet tooth for over 90 years. Serving up sundaes, shakes, splits, candies, and all manner of confections, Margie’s Candies has been a neighborhood staple since 1921.

A Chicago Classic
Margie’s was founded by George Poulos, a Greek immigrant who renamed the shop in honor of his bride whom he met there. Margie herself manned the store for many years and the business continues to be run by their son, George. Legendary among Chicagoans, Margie’s has hosted its share of notable guests over the years including Al Capone, the Beatles, Liz Phair, and even the MTV crews that featured an interview with Margie in the 90’s.¹

Sweet Tooth with a Side of Kitsch
Margie’s stays true to its roots in every way. Stepping inside, one enters an old school soda shop the like of which you won’t find these days. It’s the kind of that appears now only in movies or your grandmother’s stories. Squeeze into a booth and admire the original soda fountain while flipping through the mini-jukeboxes at each table. Playing up the kitsch, the walls are lined with vintage memorabilia, photos of old customers, and somewhat unnecessary stuffed animals. Some guests have complained about a bit of mustiness in the air, but hey that’s the price you pay for time travel.

British Invasion
It is said that after their 1965 performance at Comiskey Park, the Beatles rolled into Margie’s to treat some lucky ladies to atomic fudge sundaes. While the extensively sweet menu offers 35 sundaes and splits², I trusted the Fab Four’s taste and ordered the same. After a two-minute wait, I was served a beautiful confection in a clam shell dish, topped with whipped cream, peanuts, and their signature vanilla wafer.

Homemade Flavor
All of Margie’s candies, ice creams, and toppings are homemade², and you can indeed taste the difference. The homemade fudge was a highlight, thick and decadent yet not overly rich. Every tasty creation in sight was more than plentiful, and I almost couldn’t finish the single scoop portion on my own…almost. The cherry on top, aside from the maraschino, was only paying $6.45 for the giant bowl of gooey goodness.

You can certainly expect a wait at the small shop on holidays or warm summer evenings, especially since it’s open until midnight every day. If you’re impatient for your sugar fix you may even order your treats to-go. Additionally, a second Margie’s location was opened in the North Center neighborhood in 1995. With a delightful staff and delicious desserts, Margie’s Candies maintains its old-fashioned ice cream parlor charm. In fact, nostalgia never tasted so sweet.
If you want to research hotels and vacation rentals for your Chicago visit, this map can help you compare the available options. It’s set to show hotels and rentals in Chicago’s Logan Square neighborhood near Margie’s Candies, but you can view any neighborhood where you’d like to stay.
Margie’s Candies
1960 North Western Avenue
Chicago, IL 60647
1. “A Closer Look at Margie’s Candies.” Chicagoist.
2. “Check Please: Margie’s Candies.” WTTW11.

Jessica Mlinaric founded Urban Explorer in 2010 to inspire curious travelers by highlighting history, culture, and hidden gems in Chicago and beyond. She is the author of ‘Secret Chicago’ and ‘Chicago Scavenger,’ and she has contributed to several travel guidebooks. Jessica has visited 20+ countries and 30+ U.S. states. She has more than 16 years of experience as a marketing strategist and works as a freelance writer and photographer.