Link Love: New York City

New York City Links

I’m in an Empire State of mind after spending last week in NYC. Whether you’re a visitor or a tried-and-true New Yorker, here are some links I like.2015-11-23-link-love-nyc

  1. Listen to The Bowery Boys – This history podcast covers all manner of NYC stories, from the hidden to the iconic. Explore the evolution of the Yellow Cab (debuted in Chicago!) or a groundbreaking female journalist’s undercover work in an insane asylum.
  2. View Before & After – NYC Grid juxtaposes vintage street photography with contemporary shots of the same spaces in New York. Viewing such images side by side tells an interesting story of this ever-changing city.
  3. Watch The Lost Tribes of New York City – A pair of urban anthropologists merged stop-motion animation of street objects and interviews they conducted with a spectrum of New York residents and tourists. The result is a compelling folk conversation.
  4. View this NYC tip guide – These hilarious tips for surviving NYC are funny because they’re true. The glasses scam is real!

Jessica Mlinaric founded Urban Explorer in 2010 to inspire curious travelers by highlighting history, culture, and hidden gems in Chicago and beyond. She is the author of 'Secret Chicago' and 'Chicago Scavenger,' and she has contributed to several travel guidebooks. Jessica has visited 20+ countries and 30+ U.S. states. She has more than 16 years of experience as a marketing strategist and works as a freelance writer and photographer.