Storm clouds darkened the sky as the California group took the stage at Lollapalooza, assaulting the audience with a fierce downpour one song into the set. There was scarcely any cover from the pelting torrent, and some poncho swathed festival-goers scurried under trees while others dove headfirst into quickly forming mud bogs. The scene was a surreal contrast to Cosentino’s beachy melodies, but Best Coast was not dampened, playing with intensity that added a harder edge to their doo-wop…
Read the rest of my review and get MP3s at
Earlier this month, Best Coast released short and extended versions of the music video for the track “Our Deal,” off of 2010′s Crazy for You. Directed by Drew Barrymore for MTV’s Supervideo series, the video features a West Side Story-like teen gang rivalry, with star-crossed lovers, sharply-dressed indie kids, cameos, and breakdance fighting. Check it out below.

Jessica Mlinaric founded Urban Explorer in 2010 to inspire curious travelers by highlighting history, culture, and hidden gems in Chicago and beyond. She is the author of ‘Secret Chicago’ and ‘Chicago Scavenger,’ and she has contributed to several travel guidebooks. Jessica has visited 20+ countries and 30+ U.S. states. She has more than 16 years of experience as a marketing strategist and works as a freelance writer and photographer.